At times the internet can seem like the Wild West.
It's crowded, crazy, undisciplined, and sometimes filled with a lot of noise and nonsense.
There are pitfalls, muddy roads, cliffs to climb, and you may encounter some hard knocks along the way.
But -
You Can learn how to navigate it, have some fun, and most importantly - find out how to put some dough in your pocket.
That's just what we are going to do today.
Phil and I will show you some rapid and easy changes you can make in the way you promote, resulting in a lot more sales for you, and I mean a lot more sales.
Before we start, I want to get you thinking about a couple of things, so I will start by asking you a couple of questions. You can throw the answers up in the Chat room.
Phil is in the chat room monitoring the answers, so don't be shy; there are no right or wrong answers.
Here we go...>