How to put them to work for you!
  Phil Basten
Jane Mark
Today I am going to unveil the different KuleTraffic Money Wheels and show you how they can work together for you.
At the end of the webinar, there will be a surprise bonus for all who stay until the end. I will let you know what it is later.
I want you to focus on the information in this webinar because you can save a lot of money and get yourself on the right path to making some real money online.
But before we get into that, I want to activate the grey cells and get you thinking in the right direction.
So let's start with a couple of questions
Question 1 - How many MoneyWheels does KuleTraffic have?

Answer - 3
Question 2 - Why have three wheels. Isn't one enough?

Answer - KuleTraffic works on all roads lead to Rome concept where no matter which Money Wheel you promote, they bring you back to KuleTraffic, and that means you have three ways to build your list at KuleTraffic and three different ways to make money from the site.
Let's log in and have a look around. Then we are going to concentrate on the 3rd wheel called - On The Money - to show you how you can get started in your own business online without the hassles or considerable expense.
There are three wheels we are going to look at, and you can find these on the home page of the member's area along with the three Affiliate links.
Wheel 1 - The Blue Wheel, connects to Kule Traffic.
This is the wheel you promote when you want to get people under you at Kule Traffic. Wheel 1 offers free ad-credits at Kule Traffic so all of the prizes on the wheel relate  directly to Kule Traffic.
The KuleTraffic wheel looks like this.
People can sign up to Wheel 1 free, and then they get to see a one time offer to upgrade. We will get that a little later in the webinar.
Wheel 2 - The Green Wheel, is the Wheel of Fortune.
Wheel 2 contains free prizes for several of our other sites like Profit From Free Ads, Sokule, and FrontPage mail. If you purchase Wheel 2, you can go right to the profile area in the member's area and add your affiliate IDs. When you promote wheel two, and someone wins a prize under you, they will sign up under you at KuleTraffic, ProfitfromFreeAds, Sokule, and Frontpage Mail.
Being able to add your affiliate IDs in the prizes means you get commissions on the sales from those sites as well as any sales from KuleTraffic memberships you sell and from the sales of Wheel 2 itself.
Wheel 3 - The Purple Wheel, is the Money Wheel.
You can run your own business with this wheel. An enterprise where we do all the work for you, and that makes the offer below no-brainer deal.
Here's how it works.
When you buy the Money Wheel you own all 16 slots on the wheel and you can do anything you like with them.
When you buy the Money Wheel you own all 16 slots on the wheel and you can do anything you like with these slots.
  • You can offer your own prizes on the wheel.

  • You can keep some of the slots on the wheel and sell the rest to others.

  • You can sell every slot on the wheel.

  • You can customize the wheel and make it your own.

  • You can change the color of your wheel.

  • You can change the name on your wheel to your real name, your business name, or your desired username.

  • You can add your logo to the wheel.
Let me show you a couple customized wheels.
Here is the main On-The_Money-Wheel before customization.
Here is one I created with a theme of Sokule prizes on it.
Here is one of our client's Tony Matthews wheel
So why would you want to own one of these wheels?
Here are 5 good reasons.
  • It is all set up for you in the member's area. All you need to do is to decide what you want to call it. What color you want it to be, and what logo you want to use. You can use our logo or upload your own.

  • You can add your own prizes and use all the slots for yourself, or use some of them and leave our prizes in place until you are ready to use them. The slots you don't want you can sell to others for $100.00 and $250.00 and earn 40% commission.

  • You can sell customized wheels for $995.00, and earn a 40% commission on all sales.

  • This wheel like the others will get you signups at KuleTraffic and build you a list at KuleTraffic just by promoting the MoneyWheel. You can email that list daily.

  • We do all the work for you. We maintain the script. We take care of support. We process the payments for you. We maintain the servers. In other words we take care of all the headaches associated with owning and operating your own business.
So Let me show you how you can save a lot of dough when you take advantage of the offer below.
Webinar Exclusive
Today we are going to make it easy for you to own all the Money Wheels and to earn from each one.
Get ready to save a bundle.
  • Wheel 1 - The KuleTraffic Wheel is free to join, so you will want to sign up for this wheel first.

  • Wheel 2 sells for $297.00 but I don't want you to buy it. Here's why. If you upgrade to platinum in KuleTraffic, you get Wheel 2 free and I am going to make it very easy to upgrade to platinum.

  • I want you to use our prelaunch discount link, which saves you $200.00 on the platinum upgrade. If you do nothing else today, upgrade to platinum at KuleTraffic, and you will own the two wheels plus get access to our solo ad mailer for life.

Use this discount link to upgrade to platinum
If you are not a member of Kule Traffic you can join free here
Webinar Opportunity 2
Now for those of you who want to take the next step in your business. Let's get you The MoneyWheel at even more significant savings.
Use this discount link to upgrade to platinum
Some of you know my story. I started like most people knowing absolutely nothing about anything. I could barely turn on the computer.

But I found some excellent mentors along the way and then a wonderful Aussie partner, and the rest is history.

You can do the same thing. You need to spend time building your business, and now with all the stay at home, shelter at-home instructions, and everything closed up, Phil and I are going to do some online training and show you how to start an online business, so none of you ever get caught in this kind of bind again.
Related Links. 
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