Do you know what is killing your sales?
Email Content Checker will give you the answer. Start using ECC today and put more money in your pocket.
Is your score 90 or higher?
Test your subject line now and find out.
Score 90-100, get more emails opened, stuff more money in your pocket, and make your email marketing work for you. Just enter your subject line, click Show My Score, and your score will appear below.
Inbox Delivery Score = 0
Stop losing hundreds of dollars a month. Stop wasting your email advertising! Start using ECC now.
  • Using ECC is as easy as 1-2-3
  • 1. Test and score your subject line.
  • 2. Make the changes we show you.
  • 3. Email your offers using our mailers.
  • Earn up to $198.80 per sale.
Here's your chance to get more opens, more signups, and more sales each time you send out an email campaign, by making sure your emails land in your reader's inbox!
Watch the video and see how easy it is to test and fix your subject lines
I don't know if you realize this, but around 25-30% of all emails you send never arrive in the subscriber's inbox. They are diverted instantly to the spam folder. In the case of Gmail, this percentage can increase further when they redirect even more emails to other tabs like social and promotion instead of the primary inbox.
These actions can mean that a sizeable number of the readers, subscribers, or list members you are mailing to may never see your emails.
  • Now there are a number of reasons why this problem occurs.
Your subject line or message has common spam words in it. Words like marketing, earn money and success.
Words like learn, increase and now could push your emails into the promotions tab in Gmail and if you are like me, I rarely look in this folder unless I am looking for something special.
Adding CAPS and excessive punctuation like !!! can also cause your emails to look like spam and end up in the dreaded spam folder.
Email Content Checker (ECC) was created to solve these problems by highlighting problem words and punctuation and giving you instant suggestions you can use to replace them.
Eliminate searching for alternative words — get rid of guesswork. You can find the answers you need in a flash.
Imagine getting a few more sales or signups just by making a few small tweaks to your emails. How much extra money could that put in your pocket?
Here are a few good reasons why you should grab ECC now.
  • If you are tired of letting the Spam Filters steal your sales and want to make some extra greenbacks each time you send out a mailing, you need ECC.

  • If you have a hard time writing stuff and you need help coming up with alternative words and phrases, you need ECC.

  • If you want to test your subject lines, and messages, before they get destroyed by the spam filters, you need ECC.
Bottom line;
  • You get a subject line tester.
  • You get a message tester.
  • You can save your subject lines and get instant traffic to them.
  • You get to use the ECC mailer daily.
  • Your email goes to over 265,000 users with 1 click.
  • You get to use the downline mailer-mail daily.
  • You can earn commissions up to 198.80 per sale.
  • You can earn from 12 additional tested and responsive solo ad mailers.
  • You get up to 1 million free ad credits which will get all your websites rotating on our high traffic ad profit page.
Email Content Checker is designed to make you more money every day. Let's get started...
Choose the account level that suits you best, and be sure to take advantage of the special discount founder offer!
What our customers are saying.
"I tested some of my subject lines with the
 ECC and was shocked by their low score.
 ECC scores your subject lines and suggests changes you can make to stop your emails from winding up in spam folders." more info...

Jane and Phil never cease to amaze me. They are always creating new ways to advertise.

I just got a sneak peek at their latest invention called Email Content Checker and I love it. more info...

I love Email Content Checker. I belong to most of your sites, and this is one of the best.

I have created and saved numerous email subject lines and am impressed at how easy ECC is to use. more info...
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